The SMUD Board of Directors meets usually twice per month, usually on Thursday night but sometimes on Thursday morning. The schedule of these meetings is here:
One can download the Board packet, which includes minutes from the prior meeting and proposed resolutions and related documents, and the agenda for the last 12 months of meetings on that page.
At the bottom of that page is a link to this page where one can view or download the agenda and video of the last 13 or 14 months of Board meetings.
Sacramento Smart Meter Awareness has spoken to the Board of Directors at over 80 meetings. Each time we have asked the Board to do better as far as providing complete and accurate information to its customers about smart meter radiation and health or the opt out policy and analog meter option or in some other way.
We have made videos of our public comments and, in some cases, the Directors’ and staff’s responses. You can find these on line via a search for “SMUD Board of Directors”. Some of them are here: